Medication can be prescribed for both acute and chronic conditions. Serving the purpose of addressing the associated manifestations and, sometimes, the root cause. It often happens that a person suffers from more than one medical issue. Which leads to several treatments being prescribed (commonly by more than one physician).…
Improvements in medical services, opportunities for a better quality of life and adequate financial resources have contributed to an increased lifespan worldwide (with few exceptions). According to the latest statistics, 1/5 of the population of the European Union was over the age of 65 in 2018.…
Low level laser therapy represents a solution for a number of medical issues, which is based on the application of low-power laser, on various parts of the body. This type of laser differs from the one used for surgical interventions, in the sense that it does not generate any heat.…
In the United States, approximately 20% of all adults suffered from chronic pain. An additional 8% experienced the kind of pain which limits activities and thus influences the overall quality of life. Women and older adults, it seems, present the highest risk for such health problems.…
Have you ever though about a personal health record (PHR) or PHR benefits? Looking after your health is something you would eagerly consider. No one can maintain a perfect state of health at all times. But, thanks to preventive care and timely treatments that help you to improve your well-being.…