Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

CareClinic is committed to respecting the personal privacy of our website visitors. The following statement summarizes the privacy practices of the CareClinic’s website, informing visitors of why and how the CareClinic collects personal information online and how the CareClinic uses this information.

Scope: This policy applies to the CareClinic’s website and app only. We are not responsible in any way for the privacy practices of other websites, which may be linked to the CareClinic’s website.

What is personal information?

Personal information is any information that can be used to identify a specific individual, and includes such information as a name, a home address, home telephone number and e-mail address.

The CareClinic may collect information in a non-identifying and aggregate form to enhance our website design and to share with external groups for any CareClinic related business purpose (such as re-marketing). This information cannot be personally identified with a specific individual.

Our Privacy Practices Personal Information The CareClinic does not automatically gather your personal information. You may anonymously access our website. Personal information is only obtained if you supply it voluntarily when using our website, i.e. contacting us via e-mail, entering a contest, making a purchase, subscribing to our e-newsletter or registering for programs. In general, it will be obvious when the CareClinic is collecting your personal information because you will have to fill out a form.

The CareClinic uses personal information in a limited number of ways, foremost to complete transactions, deliver the selected product or service and to respond to questions or comments. The CareClinic will not sell or rent your personal information. We may share your information in the following situations:

All personal information you provide is protected under the Government of Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Security The CareClinic employs reasonable administrative and technical measures to ensure the security of personal information.


Children should use the CareClinic’s website with the approval of a parent or guardian. Where appropriate, the CareClinic will specifically instruct children not to submit personal information on our website.

Information collected by technology

To better server you and improve the visitor experience on our website, the CareClinic’s website collects some information about our visitors and uses web analytics services including Google Analytics. These tools use cookies to anonymously collect and generate information about your visit to our sites (including your IP address). This information may be used by the CareClinic to identify system problems and monitor network traffic. No personal information is collected through these tools that would allow the CareClinic or our service provider to identify individuals.

Your Web browser can be set to detect or reject cookies. Instructions can be found in your browsers help menu. Some parts of the CareClinic website may run slower if cookies are disabled.

The CareClinic may use third parties to collect conversion tracking data and/or data for remarketing purposes (for example, tailored ads). This is for advertising purposes only. All data is anonymous: you will not be personally identified through this data and the CareClinic does not see any data or contact information on an individual level. These third parties may include, but may not be limited to, Facebook and/or Twitter. These services recommend that if you wish to limit access to this data as much as possible, enable Do Not Track (DNT) in your browser, and/or opt-out of tailored ads in your account settings, and/or adjust your privacy controls in each account.

Additional Information

Questions or comments about the CareClinic’s privacy practices should be directed to:

Privacy Officer Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Coordinator 45 Karachi Drive, Markham, Ontario, Canada E-mail: The CareClinic is accountable for its privacy practices on this website. If you are not satisfied with our response to your privacy concerns, you may wish to contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (e-mail: and telephone: 1.800.387.0073).

Data processing & Account Data Deletion

We process your email to connect it to your account when signing up by email or via a 3rd party sign up/login button such as Facebook, Apple, or Google. If you would like to delete your account, you may visit the User settings page from the web and tap “Deactivate Account”. 

At this point you will no longer be able to sign in and your data on our servers will be deleted. We do not share your data with anyone without your prior consent. Please remember certain emails and notifications may trigger for up to 48 hours post deletion. If you have further questions regarding your data, please email us at You may also do this directly from the App by going into “Account Settings” > “Deactivate Account” after which your account will be no longer accessible and all your data will be deleted.

Google User Data Policy Addendum

Data Collection

We collect the following Google user data when you use our app:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Date of birth
  • Health and activity data (if you grant permission)
  • Device information

Data Usage

We use the collected Google user data to:

  • Provide and improve our health management services
  • Send notifications and reminders
  • Generate personalized health insights and reports
  • Enhance user experience within the app

Data Sharing

We share your Google user data only with:

  • Service providers who assist us in delivering our services (e.g., cloud storage providers, email services)
  • Health professionals or caregivers, if you choose to share your data with them through the app

We do not sell your data to third parties.

Data Protection

We employ various security measures to protect your data, including:

  • Encryption of data in transit and at rest
  • Regular security audits
  • Secure access controls

Data Retention and Deletion

We retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy policy, unless a longer retention period is required by law. You may request the deletion of your data at any time by contacting us at [contact email].

Compliance with Google Requirements

  • We do not use Google user data for targeted advertising, selling to data brokers, or training AI models.
  • We only use Google user data to provide or improve user-facing features within the CareClinic app.

Last modified: June 8, 2024