CLMBR: Cardio Workout for Beginners

CLMBR CLMBR is a strength training and cardio machine that helps you do low-impact, full-body workouts without being too hard on your joints and tendons. According to the CLMBR company, individuals are able to burn 60% more calories than running or biking.…

Rating Activity Level: Samsung Health vs CareClinic

Activity Level There is no secret that health apps and fitness trackers have been on a tremendous rise recently. Social media ads and TV commercials have been marketing the use of technology for health tracking. You have heard of the Samsung or the Apple watch, meant for those who want to monitor their health goals.…

Activities for the Elderly

Activities for the Elderly Improvements in medical services, opportunities for a better quality of life and adequate financial resources have contributed to an increased lifespan worldwide (with few exceptions). According to the latest statistics, 1/5 of the population of the European Union was over the age of 65 in 2018.…