Mental Health and Behavior. Access valuable resources on coping with mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, and stress management techniques.
Let’s be blunt here, pain sucks, either chronic or acute. It can be physically and emotionally difficult to do everyday activities. People will experience several challenges and feel it is not worth living anymore. If we all lived pain-free and disease-free we could probably live up to the age 90.…
Reflective practice is the capability to reflect on activities to engage in the process of constant learning, as defined by Donald Schön. The reflective practice pays critical attention to the practical values by examining practice reflectively and reflexively. It converts insights into practical strategies and subsequently makes personal, professional and institutional impacts.…
At the end of every year, we start to think about goals or resolutions for the next year. One popular resolution nowadays is self care. Self care is an all-encompassing term that includes physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social aspects of one’s life.…
Reflective thinking is the process of examining and reviewing events and actions. Much like reflective thinking, introspection has a lot to do with analyzing your reactions and assessing the reasoning behind these thoughts and actions. When commuting home, or before going to sleep, you might find yourself replaying the events of the day.…
It takes a tremendous amount of work each and every day to set and achieve our health goals. When setting goals for our health, it is important that we are first honest with ourselves with regards to our strengths, weaknesses and preferences.…