13 DPO. Are you wondering what 13 DPO is? Are you trying to conceive? Wish to know what could be done to make sure that you get pregnant sooner? Pregnancy is a beautiful dream for every woman like you. From the day that you learn you are pregnant, you start to live in a world with lots of dreams filled with joy and expectations.…
The term “male contraception” is usually left out or not as important when it comes to contraceptives. When the term ‘contraception’ is heard, we usually think about female contraception, such as ‘the pill’, or IUD. However, while there are fewer options when compared to female contraception, male contraception methods are available.…
From birth till death, everything in life has a start and an end. The same rule applies when it comes to women’s reproductive age as well. Puberty is the start, and menopause or climacteric is the end here. They are well known amongst the population.…
A urinary tract infection or UTI is an infection in a person’s kidney, ureters, bladder, or urethra. If left untreated, UTIs may result in significant complications (R). For some people, UTIs are recurrent, meaning that they can recur or happen repeatedly.…
A woman’s body experiences many changes throughout the course of her life. One of the biggest and natural biological changes is when she enters menopause. Menopause is defined by the complete stop of a woman’s menstrual cycle, it is diagnosed when a menstrual cycle has not occurred for 12 months – the final menstrual period.…