Male Contraception vs Female Contraception – What Are Your Options?

Contraception MethodsThe term “male contraception” is usually left out or not as important when it comes to contraceptives. When the term ‘contraception’ is heard, we usually think about female contraception, such as ‘the pill’, or IUD. However, while there are fewer options when compared to female contraception, male contraception methods are available.…

Managing Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Disease? Use a Tracker App

living with hashimoto thyroiditis Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune condition, which is often present throughout the entire life. It is one of the most commonly diagnosed types of thyroid disease, and it requires adequate management (including the regular monitoring of hormone levels). In the situation of those who suffer from this form of thyroiditis, the immune system functions abnormally – in consequence, it attacks the thyroid gland, leading to both inflammation and damage.…

Taking L-Thyroxine for Hypothyroidism – All You Really Need To Know

L-Thyroxine is a drug which is commonly prescribed for those who have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, a medical condition in which the thyroid functions at a slow rate and fails to produce adequate quantities of hormones. The treatment is prescribed by a specialized physician (endocrinologist), who will decide on the dosage and offer information on potential side-effects, or interactions with other medication.…

Endometriosis Symptom Diary: Track Pain, Fatigue & Digestive Issues

endometriosis diary The female reproductive system is perhaps one of the most productive compared to the other parts of the body. And with that, there are some diseases which are inevitable. One of which is endometriosis. This occurs when the tissue that lines the uterus also shows up on the other parts such as the Fallopian tubes, ovaries, ligaments, anterior and posterior cul-de-sac, and tissues lining the pelvis.…