Personal Health Record App and PHR Benefits

personal health record benefits Have you ever though about a personal health record (PHR) or PHR benefits? Looking after your health is something you would eagerly consider. No one can maintain a perfect state of health at all times. But, thanks to preventive care and timely treatments that help you to improve your well-being.…

Therapeutic Journaling is Effective, See How it Can Help

therapeutic journaling Writing in a journal is recommended to those who are dealing with negative emotions, having suffered from a traumatic event. When we write down our thoughts and feelings, we find it easier to recover from difficult experiences. The whole concept is known as therapeutic journaling and it guides you to reflect on things that have happened, identifying the best solutions for moving forward.…

Managing Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Disease? Use a Tracker App

living with hashimoto thyroiditis Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune condition, which is often present throughout the entire life. It is one of the most commonly diagnosed types of thyroid disease, and it requires adequate management (including the regular monitoring of hormone levels). In the situation of those who suffer from this form of thyroiditis, the immune system functions abnormally – in consequence, it attacks the thyroid gland, leading to both inflammation and damage.…

No Smoking Tracker App to Help You Quit the Habit

no smoking tracker Smoking is one of the worst habits in terms of the impact it takes on our health. It increasing the risk of circulatory problems and can lead to lung cancer. Thanks to the addictive effect of cigarettes and aggressive marketing, the tobacco industry flourishes.…