Pain is defined as any uncomfortable sensation that we experience. This uncomfortable sensation is usually linked to tissue damage and it is a way for the body to react to prevent further tissue damage. Migraines are characterized by moderate to severe headaches.…
Bowel movements offer valuable information about our digestive health. Using a stool tracker to analyze your poop habits might seem unnecessary. However, this simple habit can greatly improve your gut health and eating habits.
Regular bowel movements are an indication of a healthy lifestyle.…
If you are dealing with a complex medication regimen, it is inevitable that difficulties arise when trying to follow your treatment plan to a T. Not only are there various doses to take into consideration, but each drug also has its own frequency and precautions to consider.…
Many of us can appreciate the quick breathers that we take after work to enjoy a few drinks with friends. While the importance of drinking responsibly is something many are aware of, it can be challenging to ensure that we continuously monitor our personal alcohol consumption.…
Coronavirus (CoV) or COVID-19 is a member of the coronavirus family that has been spreading rapidly globally. It has been claimed that it originated from China’s Wuhan city. Coronavirus like other’s in it’s family originate from animals. Many of those infected from this strain worked or have visited a seafood market in the Huanan province.…