The Best Habit Tracker App For Making Healthy Lifestyle Changes

habit tracking A healthy life is one based on good habits. However, the change process can be difficult and you might often feel tempted to quit, especially since you are not likely to see the progress right away. In order to succeed with your planned lifestyle changes, you might want to take advantage of modern technology and use a health app as a habit tracker.…

Use Our Sodium Tracker App for Tracking Your Salt Intake

tracking sodium Sodium is an electrolyte that contributes to the balance of fluids within the human body. You don’t need to consume much sodium, but thanks to the modern diet we end up consuming way more than necessary. Unfortunately, a high-sodium diet is associated with health risks including high blood pressure, heart and kidney disease, as well as stroke.…

Endometriosis Symptom Diary: Track Pain, Fatigue & Digestive Issues

endometriosis diary The female reproductive system is perhaps one of the most productive compared to the other parts of the body. And with that, there are some diseases which are inevitable. One of which is endometriosis. This occurs when the tissue that lines the uterus also shows up on the other parts such as the Fallopian tubes, ovaries, ligaments, anterior and posterior cul-de-sac, and tissues lining the pelvis.…