Try Our Easy to Use Cancer Tracking App For Patients

cancer tracking app When you hear the word cancer, it is like the end of the world. If your mother is diagnosed with breast cancer, there is a big tendency for you and the other siblings to have one in the future. Moreover, if your grandfather also had a history of lung cancer, you have more chances of acquiring the disease than others if you do not have a healthy lifestyle.…

Cancer Survival Rates Through The Years in the US

cancer survival rates Cancer has been lurking around even before the parents of millennial kids were born. Way back in the 1930s, there was a significant increase in people diagnosed with lung cancer. This type of cancer was primarily caused by smoking making lung cancer deadliest in the US.…

The IBS Diet – Top 5 Diets for Improving Your Symptoms

Diets for IBS Irritable bowel syndrome, often abbreviated as IBS, refers to a number of gastrointestinal manifestations that can occur on a long-term basis (chronic condition). One may experience diarrhea or constipation, as well as abdominal pain, bloating and cramps. Medication can alleviate discomfort, but it’s crucial to recognize that the condition can be effectively managed through a tailored diet.…