Heart, Blood, and Circulatory. Explore cardiologist-insight on heart health, blood disorders, and circulatory system management for optimal well-being.
As most people call it, heightened blood pressure is commonly known as hypertension. Blood pressure, by definition, is the amount of force by the blood against the arterial walls as the heart pumps blood throughout the entire body. Hypertension happens when this particular force of the blood is stronger than what is normal.…
High blood pressure has proven to be one of the leading causes of heart disease, as well as stroke. The condition affects approximately 75 million people only in the US, which means 1 in 3 adults is diagnosed with hypertension. About 18% of those people are not aware of their condition and almost 50% fail to keep their blood pressure values in check.…
The heart normally functions by contracting and relaxing to a regular beat every day. It pumps blood to the other parts of the body. If something goes wrong with the heart and the entire circulatory system, the entire body cannot function to its optimum.…
The food that we eat usually shows how our health status looks like. We are what we eat, as well as what we do on a daily basis in life. So if we love fatty and greasy food plus a sedentary lifestyle will only put us on a higher risk of a chronic condition called hypertension.…
The blood circulating in the body is very essential to life. It delivers essential substances such as oxygen and nutrients to supply to different cells of the body. Blood also transports waste products away from the cells. Blood clots do not only occur when there is active bleeding and this is a dangerous condition called thromboembolic disease for which we must use an INR tracking app.…