Heart, Blood, and Circulatory. Explore cardiologist-insight on heart health, blood disorders, and circulatory system management for optimal well-being.
It may please some of you to find out that one of the most important benefits of keto eating is that it gets you off sugar! A lot of people try the keto diet, and some individuals end up liking it, but many people struggle to continue because the diet can be quite restrictive.…
Hypertension or high blood pressure affects approximately 40% of adults ranging 25 years old and over worldwide. This condition causes 7.5 million deaths annually and is considered a major risk factor for hemorrhagic stroke and coronary heart disease. Complications of hypertension include renal impairment, retinal hemorrhage, and visual impairment.…
The long-term presence of high cholesterol levels – of LDL more specifically – is known as hypercholesterolemia. This condition affects 95 million people in the US, posing serious health risks. Even young adults have elevated “bad” cholesterol levels, with the ones of “good” cholesterol (HDL) being increased.…
High blood pressure is present in millions of adults over the world, this health problem being associated with an increased risk of death (as a result of heart attack or stroke). Unfortunately, this condition rarely causes symptoms and it is often diagnosed by mistake.…
High blood pressure is a major health issue. Often being diagnosed when it is too late or in case of life-threatening complications. Such as heart attacks or strokes. Self-monitoring of blood pressure values can keep these risks down to a minimum.…