Crohn’s Disease Symptom Tracker: App to Track and Act!

crohns symptom tracker In spite of the fact that Crohn’s Disease is a chronic condition that has no known cure, it is still possible to manage symptoms and relapses thru medication. Crohn’s disease is a sort of fiery entrail contamination (Inflammatory Bowel Disease). It causes runs and stomach torment and can provoke dangerous entrapments, for instance, a narrowing of the stomach-related framework (strictures) and fistulas.…

Diet Tracker App to Manage Calories & Health Goals Better

diet trackerTracking your diet can be vital for many things; such as: losing weight, gaining muscle mass, improving the quality of your diet and much more. Why Use a Diet Tracker? CareClinic is an all-encompassing health app that enables you to track your diet by letting you track your calories, helping you with portion control, and enabling you to keep a food symptom diary.…