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Bipolar App to Manage Your Mental Health

bipolar apps Bipolar disorder affects 5 million people in just the United States and disrupts everyday activities by causing fluctuating moods. While no cure exists, medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes can control it effectively. To manage your mood and reduce stress—a key factor in depressive episodes—you should use CareClinic, a dedicated bipolar app.…

We are Health Innovation@50

health50CareClinic’s goal is to help people make the right health decisions at the right time. This is a monumental goal for a health company, we do this by offering multiple ways one can track, manage, and optimize their outcomes. Some of the ways we are doing this include: Providing reminders at the right time for any modality, whether it is pills, physical activity, fitness.…

Medication Monitoring and Management for Patients

medication monitoring In the United States, 6 in 10 adults have a chronic disease. Conditions such as heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes or chronic kidney disease represent leading causes of death and disability. Two-thirds of the people in America have been prescribed medicine for such conditions but, according to recent statistics, more than 50% fail to take their treatment as prescribed.…

Hepatitis C Treatment Tracker

hepatitis c tracker Hepatitis C is an infectious condition, caused by the virus with the same name. It can be acute or chronic, with the severity ranging from mild to severe and potentially life-threatening complications, such as cirrhosis or liver cancer. The condition can be a lifelong illness, with a negative impact on the quality of life; which is why you must use a Hepatitis C treatment tracker app to manage your treatment and potentially improve your outcome.…