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Wellness Planner App: Plan Your Daily Habits & Routine

wellness tracker app Up to a certain point, stress can have a positive effect, allowing us to feel motivated in accomplishing daily tasks. However, when it becomes a permanent occurrence, it can affect both physical and mental health. Thus, it is essential to take a step back and implement lifestyle changes to help reduce stress.…

Living with Hypertension: Manage High Blood Pressure App

Living With Hypertension Hypertension or high blood pressure affects approximately 40% of adults ranging 25 years old and over worldwide. This condition causes 7.5 million deaths annually and is considered a major risk factor for hemorrhagic stroke and coronary heart disease. Complications of hypertension include renal impairment, retinal hemorrhage, and visual impairment.…

How To Manage Your Chronic Pain and Arthritis

chronic pain and arthritis Chronic pain, autoimmune conditions, and/or idiopathic diseases can all be debilitating conditions. Often times the symptoms are invisible. Those who suffer from such a disease may feel like they don’t have the support that others with more visible illnesses get. Society’s expectations on what illnesses should look like can leave those who suffer from the aforementioned diseases feeling despondent.…