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Rating Activity Level: Samsung Health vs CareClinic

Activity Level There is no secret that health apps and fitness trackers have been on a tremendous rise recently. Social media ads and TV commercials have been marketing the use of technology for health tracking. You have heard of the Samsung or the Apple watch, meant for those who want to monitor their health goals.…

Daily Routine App – Live With a Purpose

daily routine app Why use a daily routine app? Having a routine can help with productivity, organization, and task management. Daily routines have always helped better manage stress levels, anxiety, and mental health. This is why now more than ever, during a global pandemic, it’s important to maintain a healthy daily routine. …

Touch Therapy Through Weighted Blankets

Touch Therapy This trending new product has been on the rise over the past few years. Did you know that weighted gravity blankets have been used for many years as therapeutic treatment for children and adults alike? The advantages of using this type of touch therapy have clearly captured the society’s interest.…

Male Contraception vs Female Contraception – What Are Your Options?

Contraception MethodsThe term “male contraception” is usually left out or not as important when it comes to contraceptives. When the term ‘contraception’ is heard, we usually think about female contraception, such as ‘the pill’, or IUD. However, while there are fewer options when compared to female contraception, male contraception methods are available.…