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CLMBR: Cardio Workout for Beginners

CLMBR CLMBR is a strength training and cardio machine that helps you do low-impact, full-body workouts without being too hard on your joints and tendons. According to the CLMBR company, individuals are able to burn 60% more calories than running or biking.…

Employee Health – Why Employee Mental Health Matters

Employee Health Are you currently working? Do you love what you do? Wondering if you will be employed once COVID-19 is over? Wondering when it’s safe to start working again? Honestly, working this time of the year can make you feel confused, irritated, worried, and hopeless.…

Laptop Standing Desk Benefits

laptop standing desk You may have heard or seen people using a standing desk; these pieces of office furniture have recently gained a lot of traction once people started learning about the benefits. This style of desk allows you to complete your job while standing up rather than sitting in a chair.…