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Trusted & Medically Accurate Wellness Articles For Patients

12 DPO: Am I Pregnant?

12 DPO Are you a couple planning on getting pregnant? Are you searching for information regarding how, what and why about getting pregnant? Did you learn about 9 DPO, 12 DPO or 13 DPO and now want to determine if the symptoms you are experiencing now are signs of an early pregnancy?…

CLMBR: Cardio Workout for Beginners

CLMBR CLMBR is a strength training and cardio machine that helps you do low-impact, full-body workouts without being too hard on your joints and tendons. According to the CLMBR company, individuals are able to burn 60% more calories than running or biking.…

Employee Health – Why Employee Mental Health Matters

Employee Health Are you currently working? Do you love what you do? Wondering if you will be employed once COVID-19 is over? Wondering when it’s safe to start working again? Honestly, working this time of the year can make you feel confused, irritated, worried, and hopeless.…