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ACT vs CBT: The Differences, Treatment Plans and Goals

ACT vs CBT If you’re looking at undertaking some sort of therapy for your chronic pain management, there are two that can be highly effective. It is worth it to know about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). For those who suffer from chronic pain, you’ll likely be aware that there are many different ways to help manage it.…

Managing Allergy Migraines

allergy migraines Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? Are your symptoms often accompanied by a headache or lingering migraines? Allergy migraines are a common medical condition and are more common in people who have constant allergies. Allergies can cause an allergic migraine, which is a form of migraine headache.…

Managing Congestive Heart Failure With A Healthy Lifestyle

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Hearing the term “heart failure” or “congestive heart failure” can be scary but it doesn’t mean that the heart has completely lost all its function. If you have previously experienced heart failure or are a cardiac patient, taking care of yourself and maintaining healthy lifestyle changes will improve your health and quality of life.…