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Printable Blood Sugar Log: Free PDF Sheets to Monitor Glucose Levels

printable blood sugar logPrintable blood sugar logs are an important part of tracking and managing diabetes, but they can be difficult to keep up with. The CareClinic App makes it easy to track your blood sugar levels and see patterns over time. Simply enter your readings into the app and it will generate a printable log that you can take with you to your doctor’s appointments.…

The Anxiety Cycle: How to Break Out of It

Anxiety Cycle The cycle of anxiety is a heavy burden that many face worldwide. Anxiety can be described as worrying about a potential threat and trying to cope with a future event that you think will be negative. When you notice your anxious symptoms, you start to believe you can’t cope with the symptoms, thus becoming even more anxious.…

Sleep Diary: Log & Determine How Much Sleep You Need and Get!

Sleep Diary How many times have you caught yourself falling asleep at work? Dosing off while staring at your screen, having trouble focusing on a task you had to complete for your boss at the end of the day. The truth is you just haven’t been sleeping well these past couple of nights, and it’s starting to catch up with you.…

The Rise of Real World Evidence in Pharma

Real World Evidence Pharma Our world is constantly changing. As we grow not only as individuals, but as a society and community, so do our technologies, our strategies, and our methods. In real-world evidence of pharma, these changes ensure our developments and research stay as relevant and as relatable to the current population as possible.…
Posted in: App

Printable Blood Pressure Tracking Chart & Pulse Log

printable blood pressure tracking chartA blood pressure chart is a tool that you can use to track your blood pressure over time. It can help you see trends and patterns in your blood pressure readings, which can be helpful in managing your blood pressure. A printable blood pressure tracking chart is just that but portable in that you can print it and take it anywhere you go, including the doctor’s office!…