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Minimizing Prednisone Apple Belly: Manage Your Stomach Bloat

prednisone apple belly As we deal with various health challenges that are thrown at us throughout life, we must also deal with the consequences of taking certain medications and treatments. We are incredibly fortunate to live in a time of advanced technology and scientific knowledge regarding new and effective treatments for many of the common diseases we face as a society.…

Mental Health Planner | Journal For Self-Care

mental health plannerA mental health planner is a tool that can be used to help manage and monitor mental wellness. It can be used to keep track of appointments, medications, and other important information related to mental health. Additionally, a mental health planner can help individuals set goals and track progress over time.…

Express Yourself: Using Neurodivergent Love Languages

Neurodivergent Love Humans are social creatures. We thrive in companionship and wilt in isolation. We prioritize our relationships, and friendships and surround ourselves with conceptions of love and partnership. In fact, according to a study done by Al-Khalili et al. in 2012, the phrase “what is love” has been the most searched phrase across internet search engines.1 What is very clear, however, is the fact that love has no definition and looks different from person to person.…