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Managing Adult ADHD – Tips to Help You

managing adult adhd Before managing adult ADHD, you need to understand what ADHD is. ADHD stands for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. ADHD is a mental health disorder and a neurological condition that affects brain functioning, resulting in people with this condition having persistent problems including difficulty paying attention, being hyperactive and/or engaging in impulsive behavior, which are not appropriate for that person’s age.…

AIP Diet Recipes, Meal Plan and Ideas

aip diet recipes The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) is a diet that works to reduce inflammation, pain, and other symptoms caused by autoimmune disorders, such as lupus, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), celiac disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. Individuals who have followed the AIP diet report improvements in the way they feel, as well as reductions in common symptoms of autoimmune disorders, including fatigue and joint pain.…