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Managing Congestive Heart Failure With A Healthy Lifestyle

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Hearing the term “heart failure” or “congestive heart failure” can be scary but it doesn’t mean that the heart has completely lost all its function. If you have previously experienced heart failure or are a cardiac patient, taking care of yourself and maintaining healthy lifestyle changes will improve your health and quality of life.…

Understanding How To Detect A Prodrome Aura

Prodrome Aura Prior to the headache, a premonitory phase, known as a prodrome aura, can mark the beginning of a migraine attack. Following this, a natural alert known as an aura allows you to detect that a migraine is about to hit. A cephalgia, most commonly known as a headache, describes a symptom that is characterized by pain in the head.…

How To Retrain Your Brain

How to retrain your brain Have you ever felt like you needed a break? Do you have negative thinking patterns or chronic headaches that you need to get relief from? Have you tried all the regular methods and still come up short? Then you need new ideas on how to retrain your brain.…