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Headache Diary: Printable PDF, Template and App

headache diary printableIf you are someone who suffers from headaches on a regular basis, it is important that you keep track of them. This can be done by using a headache diary. Doctors often recommend keeping a headache diary, as it can help to identify patterns and improve treatment outcomes.…

Anxiety Workbook: Coping With Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety Workbook An anxiety workbook is a form of self-help intervention that is best to help bridge the gap between therapies and medications.  Many studies are trying to determine the efficacy of “acceptance-based behavioral therapy” delivered in a self-help format (7). However, despite these controlled studies on topics like “an anxiety workbook” or an “anxiety and phobia workbook” are not heavily studied as other diseases, patients are still encouraged to participate (in conjunction with other therapies) (1).…