Is Depression Neurodivergent? Exploring the Link

Is Depression Neurodivergent Depression is a common mental health disorder that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities, and a range of physical and cognitive symptoms. While depression is widely recognized as a mental health condition, there is ongoing debate about whether it should also be considered a neurodivergent condition.…

Mood Congruent Memory: The Role of Emotions On Memory

Mood Congruent Memory Our emotions are a huge part of our daily life and can affect us in ways that we may realize and ways that we may not. Our emotions most definitely have an impact on our actions and our reactions, but what about the lesser-known processes we don’t pay attention to, such as the formation of our memory?…

Self Harm Tracker – Improving Your Wellbeing

self harm tracker Another week or month has passed, you’ve made zero progress on your health goals and now the negativity has led you towards self harm. Deep down you know your health is important, but you aren’t taking consistent action. Most of the time you’re having deep thoughts and feelings…How strong are they?…