100+ Journal Prompts for Mental Health

journal prompts for mental healthMental health journaling is a form of expressive writing that can help you manage your mental health symptoms, explore your emotions and thoughts, and cope with stressors and triggers. It can also be used as a tool to promote positive mental health and well-being Research has shown that journaling can have several benefits for mental health, including reducing stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms.…

Bullet Journal Mood Tracker For Mental Health

How many times have you excused your behaviour with your friends and family for being in a “bad mood”? Our moods undeniably affect our daily interactions, both positively and negatively. But, how can we practice patience with ourselves when faced with a bad mood?…

Reflective Practice – Keeping a Reflective Journal

reflective practice Reflective practice is the capability to reflect on activities to engage in the process of constant learning, as defined by Donald Schön. The reflective practice pays critical attention to the practical values by examining practice reflectively and reflexively. It converts insights into practical strategies and subsequently makes personal, professional and institutional impacts.…