The stool can provide valuable information on our general health. Analyzing the shape, texture, and frequency of bowel movements can help you decide if you need lifestyle changes or reveal potential red flags that suggest underlying medical issues. Using a bowel movement tracker, you can keep track of the number of stools, enter information about their quality and appearance, as well as keep a diary of associated manifestations. You can download the app by clicking the Google Play or Apple Store buttons on the right or learn more below.
This information can be quite useful for your doctor, helping him/her decide on medication adjustments, nutritional guidance and so on.
Stool Tracker App For Recording Bowel Movements
CareClinic is an application that analyzes your bowel movements to provide valuable information on your general health.
We particularly recommend it for individuals dealing with chronic pain who are on medications that may impact their gastrointestinal system. Opioid drugs and other pain medications increase the risk of constipation and other bowel movement issues.
A symptom tracker is a valuable tool, as it allows one to identify serious medical issues. Upon using CareClinic to track your symptoms, all you have to do is to access “Create a new post”; you can then click on “Symptoms” and record the symptoms you are experiencing.
By keeping track of the bowel movements, one can see a change in the quality, shape and texture; this can guide the diagnosis in the right direction and allow one to find better treatment alternatives for the management of chronic pain.
Maximizing the Benefits of Symptom Tracking with CareClinic
You can record and analyze bowel movements using the Bristol Stool Scale. This includes seven stool categories, in accordance to the texture and shape. You can rely on the best bowel movement tracker to identify the type of stool (and find out whether this is healthy or not), as well as to analyze the frequency and red flags (such as the presence of blood in the stool).
The application can be used for diary entries related to your bowel movements and additional symptoms. You can select the corresponding Bristol Stool Scale value and check other manifestations, especially hematochezia.
Keep in mind that the blood in poop can be a sign of intestinal bleeding. If it is darker in color, it comes from the upper intestinal tract but, if it has a bright red color, it can be a manifestation of rectal or anal bleeding. Keep in mind, you can also record urination as part of tracking your stool movements.
Using CareClinic’s app as a bowel movement tracker app allows you to enter the approximate quantity as well. You will not rely on a particular measuring unit but rather enter it on a scale, ranging from less to average and more. This helps you form a better idea of your average bowel movements, as well as their frequency and quality.
Bristol Stool Scale – know your stool and what it means
The Bristol Stool Scale is a particularly useful feature, as it tells you from the start if your stool is healthy or not. It is a known fact that stool can provide a lot of information about the state of health.
For example, a healthy person will have a sausage-shaped stool, with a smooth surface. He/she will go to the toilet without excess strain and with a regular frequency.
Pebble-like stools are characteristic of those suffering from constipation, while watery stools commonly occur in case of diarrhea. As you will see for yourself, this scale can help you identify additional features that might point toward gastrointestinal conditions. Lumpy stools, with cracks on the surface, can be a sign of food intolerance or even irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Comprehensive health report based on bowel movement tracker
At the end of each month, you will receive a comprehensive health report, which is based on your diary entries. You can print the bowel movement tracker sheet and take it to the doctor, as the specialist will definitely find it useful to know more information on your bowel movements.
The report can offer details about your poop type, quantity and frequency, as well as about additional symptoms (presence of blood in the stool). The treating physician can review the CareClinic report and determine whether it is time to change or adjust your medication. Based on the provided information, he/she might also recommend dietary changes meant to improve intestinal health.
As the CareClinic app can also offer details on the frequency of stools, the physician will be able to identify whether constipation is a common occurrence or not.
The report includes the average number of bowel movements per week and can extend over a longer period if needed.
Why should you pay attention to your bowel movements?
Regular, healthy bowel movements are indicators that one is healthy, generally speaking. There are a few key reasons why you should always be aware of your bowel movements and take note of any changes. First, your stool can provide important clues about your overall health.
For example, changes in stool color or consistency can be warning signs of digestive problems, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. Additionally, your stool can reveal evidence of infections, such as parasitic infections or food poisoning. Finally, changes in bowel habits (e.g., constipation or diarrhea) can be a sign of more serious health problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to your bowel movements and consult with a healthcare provider if you notice any changes.
Keeping a Toilet Log
Use the CareClinic app to track bowel movement symptoms like abdominal pain, constipation/diarrhea, bloating, urination, and flatulence.
It can help the attending physician to form a correct diagnosis and recommend laxatives in case of severe constipation. Moreover, it might guide the physical towards additional medical tests that should be performed to rule out various medical problems.
It is highly important to pay attention to one’s bowel movements, as the type, quality, and frequency of the stools can offer an early indication of chronic conditions. Even though some of these conditions can be managed with treatment and lifestyle changes, others can be life-threatening and require more aggressive treatment solutions (for example, surgery in case of colorectal cancer).
Factors that can affect the quality/frequency of the stools?
There are different factors that can play a role whereas the quality and frequency of the stools is concerned. For example, food poisoning can lead to diarrhea and intestinal pain. On the other hand, constipation is favored by eating too much fiber or even new foods. Colon irregularities can occur as a result of eating foods our intestines are not familiar with.
Traveling influences our bowel movements, as we eat other foods than our normal diet and, without being aware, we drink less water. There is also the stress of not using our own toilets or not having enough time to go through the motions. These are some of the reasons why so many people suffer from constipation upon traveling.
One of the major reasons why our bowel movements can be affected is medication. Oftentimes, drugs have constipation has a side effect but this is not always the case. Antibiotics are known, for example, to lead to diarrhea. If you have noticed such reactions from the medication you are taking, talk to your doctor and inquire about potential changes in your treatment plan.
Underlying medical conditions can lead to abnormal movements. It is important to acknowledge worrying symptoms, such as severe/frequent constipation, the alternation between constipation and diarrhea, the presence of blood in the stool, severe intestinal pain, and vomiting.
If you experience any of these symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor and request a diagnosis, followed by a comprehensive treatment plan.
How to Improve Colon Health
The first thing you need to change is your diet. The modern diet can wreak havoc on the intestines, as it contains a lot of processed foods, with refined ingredients, preservatives and potentially harmful chemicals. You need to consume more fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains and yogurt (rich in probiotics, which are beneficial for the health of the gut).
We also recommend cutting back on red meat consumption to reduce the risk of constipation and colorectal cancer. Doctors advise reducing the intake of alcohol and sugary drinks, as these can affect the health of the intestines.
Instead, one should drink more water, so as to avoid dehydration (this is a favoring factor of constipation).
The sedentary lifestyle, unfortunately, also has a negative influence on bowel movements and the health of the intestines. People who spend more time sitting, for example, those who have office jobs, present a higher risk of constipation and hemorrhoids. Physical activity can keep your bowels functioning normally, not to mention reduce the risk of cancer.
People who are overweight or obese can suffer from abnormal bowel movements. Researchers have even found a connection between obesity and irritable bowel syndrome. This occurs in people who follow a low-fiber diet, high in carbs and saturated fats. Diet changes and physical exercise can help one lose weight and return to healthy bowel movements.
What should you eat if you have diarrhea
- Eating small frequent meals
- Avoiding dairy, fatty, or fried foods
- Choosing bland foods like rice, bananas, or toast
- Avoiding caffeine and alcohol
- Drinking plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration
Stay Organized with the Bowel Movement Tracker App
Based on the information provided, you likely understand that stool serves as a health indicator. You can trust the CareClinic app as a highly effective bowel movement tracker, using it to record stool quality and frequency, as well as register any additional details about your intestinal health.
The health report uses your diary entries to assess intestinal function. From this report, you can identify any troubling symptoms that need further investigation. Your doctor can use this report to recommend nutritional changes. They can also test you for food intolerances or other underlying conditions.