Pregnancy is a period in which you are pregnant is filled with changes and emotional swirls. Parents find it hard to wait for the moment when they will get to hold their beautiful baby in their arms Even though no pregnancy is alike, there are some common symptoms all women might experience. And it is for this reason it is best to use a pregnancy symptom tracker app to quickly keep track of what you be experiencing.
Track The Progress of Your Pregnancy Daily or Weekly
If you are interested in seeing how your pregnancy progresses from week to week, you can use CareClinic as a pregnancy journal as well. If you are worried about symptoms, CareClinic works great as a pregnancy symptom tracker also. The health application allows you to log the symptoms experienced in a manner that is both easy and rapid.
Pregnancy is divided into trimesters, as you might know. As you become pregnant, you might experience morning sickness, breast tenderness, headaches, fatigue, and smell sensitivity. Additional symptoms might follow, such as uterine cramps, acne, diarrhea or constipation, back pain etc.
First trimester
Congratulations, you are going to be a mother. Of course, you are still getting used to the idea and also to the symptoms that come with being pregnant. During these moments, having a symptom tracker pregnancy app can be more useful than you might think.
You can record all of the symptoms you are experiencing and discuss them with your doctor. While it is normal to experience spotting as the embryo becomes implanted in the uterus, heavier bleeding can be a sign of miscarriage. It is essential to track your symptoms so that you can immediately go to the doctor in case of red flags.
The majority of women experience symptoms three to four weeks after they have conceived, meaning at the gestational age of five to six weeks. They might notice their period is late, with nausea and vomiting becoming common in the first weeks. These symptoms are caused by the increased levels of pregnancy commons.
Dizziness during pregnancy can occur at any time, but it is most common in the first and third trimesters. It is often caused by hormonal changes or low blood sugar. If you are feeling dizzy, make sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat small, frequent meals. If your dizziness is severe or accompanied by other symptoms, such as vomiting or blurred vision, contact your doctor.
Breast tenderness is a sign of early pregnancy, is caused by fluid retention and the development of the milk glands. The nipple and areola might darken. If bleeding occurs and the breasts are no longer sensitive, it can mean that there is a problem with the pregnancy (the embryo no longer viable).
The sleepiness characteristic for early pregnancy is actually caused by the pregnancy hormone known as progesterone. Normally, it should disappear after the first trimester. CareClinic works well as an early pregnancy symptom tracker as well. (R)
Second trimester
The pregnancy has progressed, which means that you can finally say goodbye to morning sickness and feeling sleepy all the time. As these symptoms fade, you will notice your belly growing and feel the baby moving. You might have an increased libido, due to more blood being directed toward the genital area and also due to the pregnancy hormones. Once again, it is important to keep track of symptoms and what is normal at this stage.
As you will experience relief from nausea, you will feel your appetite returning. Just remember, pregnancy does not mean you should eat for two. Maintain an adequate caloric intake, and a diet that is both healthy and balanced. Aside from the symptom check, you can rely on the CareClinic app to create a diet plan and follow it to the letter. (R)
Third trimester
As you are getting closer to meeting your baby, you will have to deal with significant physical and emotional changes. The bump will grow quite a lot during this period, with pain and pressure being experienced as a result of the baby trying to fit into a space that becomes smaller by the day.
You might have breathing difficulties and suffer from heartburn, feeling quite uncomfortable. Due to the increased pressure on the stomach, you might experience nausea all over again. The breasts can leak colostrum, the skin on the belly becomes itchy and brain fog can become an issue. The progesterone causes the muscles to relax and the baby might push on the bladder, causing a lot of trips to the bathroom.
Tracking your pregnancy at this time is essential, as you need to make the difference between regular symptoms and the signs of labor. For example, it is normal to experience Braxton-Hicks contractions, as these indicate that your body is just preparing for labor. However, if the contractions become really painful and frequent, you might be going into actual labor. (R)
Additional health information to track
Aside from the actual pregnancy symptoms, you can trust the CareClinic app for tracking additional health information. Many pregnant women find it easier to record mood swings, sleep quality and quantity, level of physical activity and health measurements, such as blood pressure, weight and blood sugar value.
One can use the application as a comprehensive tracker and planner, including information on doctor appointments, pregnancy milestones (such as the first kick) and baby development. The app can be used by you to keep track of your appetite, associated cravings, as well as physical changes.
You can record conditions you suffered from during the pregnancy, creating a medical history that can be quite useful in the future. For instance, many women suffer from high blood pressure or gestational diabetes, which represent risk factors during pregnancy.
Pelvic floor plan
Speaking about physical activity, one can include recommended exercises within the application and establish a weekly workout routine based on these. For instance, pelvic floor exercises are often suggested for pregnant women, in order to strengthen the pelvic floor and reduce the risk of incontinence or pain during intercourse, after birth. CareClinic can be useful in establishing an exercise plan, which can be incorporated into the daily routine, for improved pelvic floor health. (R)
Medication & treatments
Pregnant women might be advised to take prenatal vitamins, iron supplements and medication to support a healthy pregnancy. If one suffers from pre-existent conditions, even more medication might be recommended. Dealing with pregnancy brain fog, you might have a hard time keeping track of all that. Once again, you can use the mobile app and create a treatment plan to include everything. In this way, you will know from the start which medication is safe to take.
Pregnancy checklist
The CareClinic health app is useful in many ways but it can really help when it comes to creating a pregnancy checklist. You can include different prenatal vitamins to be taken during each trimester, habits to give up (smoking, alcohol, coffee), physical exercise, recommended sleeping position, healthy foods, screening tests and even what the bag for the hospital should include.
Regular monitoring of pregnancy – healthy mother & baby
It is essential for your pregnancy to be monitored by a specialized physician, and you can also keep track of what happens at home. Regular monitoring ensures the early detection and, if possible, treatment of health problems. Thus, it will guarantee a healthy pregnancy and the birth of an equally healthy baby, this is why using even a basic health diary can help manage all aspects of your health.
A number of complications can be associated with Pregnancy such as high blood pressure, gestational diabetes and infections. You may suffer from preeclampsia or go through preterm labor, pregnancy loss, miscarriage or stillbirth. The sooner health problems are identified, the better the outcome is going to be.
Potential complications during pregnancy
Potential complications include, among others, gestational hypertension, diabetes, infection (STDs), preeclampsia, miscarriage, preterm delivery, stillbirth etc. Upon noticing that something is not right, you should immediately go to the doctor.
High blood pressure
When women suffer from high blood pressure, it becomes difficult for the blood to reach the placenta. Thus, the growth of the fetus is slowed and there is a higher risk of preterm labor or preeclampsia. It can be useful to record your blood pressure values on a regular basis, as this will allow for the early identification of high blood pressure. (R)
Gestational diabetes
Pregnant women must check their blood sugar values on a regular basis, as it can happen that hyperglycemia occurs. Special tests are recommended for the identification of gestational diabetes, with the blood sugar value being tested three times.
Early detection is essential, as this condition can be kept under control through diet. Medication may be provided for you in severe cases. Especially to reduce the risk of preeclampsia. (R)
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Women who suffer from hyperemesis gravidarum experience severe and persistent nausea, followed by vomiting. They have no appetite and, in consequence, they might lose weight. Dehydration and feeling faint can also occur. Physical rest and the administration of intravenous fluids can help with such symptoms. (R)
Iron-deficiency anemia
During pregnancy, the need for iron increases, placing women at risk of iron deficiency anemia. If you do not use iron supplements, the baby might be born before term and with low birth. Women who suffer from this form of anemia might feel constantly tired, experiencing shortness of breath or paleness. Prenatal vitamins or iron supplements should guarantee the necessary amount of iron per day.
As a mother, you could spread Bacterial and viral infections to the fetus, increasing the risk of pregnancy loss/miscarriage. Maintaining adequate hygiene and using protection can bring down the risk of STDs.
A severe complication of pregnancy, preeclampsia presents a significant risk of preterm delivery and death. Symptoms include high blood pressure, dizziness, swelling of the face and hands, headaches, blurred vision and stomach pain. If it occurs at an early stage, the mother should be monitored. In later stages, the only cure is delivery. (R)
Miscarriage can occur when there are genetic defects or the mother suffers from additional health problems. Common signs include vaginal bleeding and several abdominal cramps. The doctor can prescribe medication to help mothers sustain the pregnancy, thus reducing the risk of miscarriage. If miscarriage occurs, emotional counseling is necessary to prevent mental health issues. (R)
Other complications
- Depression – sadness, feeling helpless or irritable; counseling and support groups, medication as treatment (depression can affect the development of the baby)
- Ectopic pregnancy – abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, dizziness; treatment – surgery
- Fetal problems – inadequate growth, heart problems, insufficient movement. You would require bed rest in this case.
- Placenta previa – vaginal bleeding, no pain; bed rest & hospitalization for more severe cases
- Pre-term labor (before 37 weeks) – vaginal discharge, pressure in the pelvic area, cramps; contractions; treatment – medication to stop contractions if necessary, bed rest; delivery if the baby is in distress.
Monitor your pregnancy with the CareClinic app and you will get through each trimester peacefully knowing that you have taken every measure to look after yourself and the baby. The team is always working hard to make sure CareClinic continues to improve and serve as the best early pregnancy symptom tracker in the market.