Reflective Practice – Keeping a Reflective Journal

reflective practice Reflective practice is the capability to reflect on activities to engage in the process of constant learning, as defined by Donald Schön. The reflective practice pays critical attention to the practical values by examining practice reflectively and reflexively. It converts insights into practical strategies and subsequently makes personal, professional and institutional impacts.…

Reflective Thinking – How to Improve Your Life

reflective thinking Reflective thinking is the process of examining and reviewing events and actions. Much like reflective thinking, introspection has a lot to do with analyzing your reactions and assessing the reasoning behind these thoughts and actions. When commuting home, or before going to sleep, you might find yourself replaying the events of the day.…

Gratitude Journal App: Use Prompts for Happiness

Gratitude journal app Have you ever felt thankful for something? That feeling is gratitude. Being grateful has a lot of focus in the field of positive psychology. Expressing gratitude is not necessarily reserved for specific moments or occasions like achieving something at school or work.…

Managing Adult ADHD – Tips to Help You

managing adult adhd Before managing adult ADHD, you need to understand what ADHD is. ADHD stands for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. ADHD is a mental health disorder and a neurological condition that affects brain functioning, resulting in people with this condition having persistent problems including difficulty paying attention, being hyperactive and/or engaging in impulsive behavior, which are not appropriate for that person’s age.…

Habit Tracker Ideas: How To Track Old and New Habits

habit tracker ideas There comes a point in our lives where we hope to change a particular pattern or behavior about ourselves so that we become more productive, successful, or healthy. We can do this by recognizing our current behaviors or habits that are less ideal, by replacing them with ones that are better suited to our overall health.…