Addiction Recovery App: Sobriety Tracker to Remain Accountable

addiction recovery app Addiction is a chronic mental disorder characterized by compulsive drug or substance seeking, consistent and frequent use despite harmful consequences, and long-term changes to the brain/nervous system. Addiction is a complex brain disorder, medical and mental illness. This mental disorder is the most severe form of substance use disorder.…

Virtual Psychotherapy Resources with CareClinic

psychotherapistA psychotherapist helps with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, trauma, anger, marriage, divorce, relationships, communication, sexual problems, sex therapy, co-dependency, and adults emotionally, physically or sexually abused as children, women’s issues, and stress management and ADHD. CareClinic was a tool designed to help patients (particularly those with Chronic illnesses) manage their health outside of a clinical environment.…

DBT Diary Benefits and How To Use One

dbt diary Dialectical behavioral therapy is often abbreviated as DBT. It is a treatment solution for those who need to regulate their emotions and mental health. It can help those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, anxiety, and depression as well. Along with others who might struggle dealing with strong emotions.…

Emotion Tracker: Journal Your Mood with this App

Emotion Tracker Our emotions define us as human beings. Emotions are created within the nervous system as a response to various situations based on previous experiences. As you might be aware, emotions can be positive and negative, often influenced by one’s personality, mood and temperament.…

Bipolar App to Manage Your Mental Health

bipolar apps Bipolar disorder affects 5 million people in just the United States and disrupts everyday activities by causing fluctuating moods. While no cure exists, medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes can control it effectively. To manage your mood and reduce stress—a key factor in depressive episodes—you should use CareClinic, a dedicated bipolar app.…

Therapeutic Journaling is Effective, See How it Can Help

therapeutic journaling Writing in a journal is recommended to those who are dealing with negative emotions, having suffered from a traumatic event. When we write down our thoughts and feelings, we find it easier to recover from difficult experiences. The whole concept is known as therapeutic journaling and it guides you to reflect on things that have happened, identifying the best solutions for moving forward.…