Coronavirus (CoV) or COVID-19 is a member of the coronavirus family that has been spreading rapidly globally. It has been claimed that it originated from China’s Wuhan city. Coronavirus like other’s in it’s family originate from animals. Many of those infected from this strain worked or have visited a seafood market in the Huanan province. This market is known to tightly pack wild game and other animals for human consumption in less than sanitary conditions. It is believed that the virus that originated in bats was transmitted to a Pangolin which then spread. There is specific coronavirus symptom tracker, however CareClinic can be used to help track and manage the symptoms of Coronavirus anywhere for yourself or anyone remotely.
As of writing, the virus has spread to over 25 countries, the outbreak has reached above 80,000 reported cases and the number of those actually infected is an order or magnitude higher. The death rate is hovering around 2-4% of those infected in China, especially in the central province of Hubei. It is good to note that many of those infected are recovering and being sent home. If you would like to stay vigilant consider practising preventive measures that we list below.
Coronavirus Covid-19 Symptoms
Many people originally infected with the virus were said to have the flu or pneumonia, which we know now to not be the case. The virus itself causes pneumonia. Other symptoms of coronavirus includes fever, coughs and breathing difficulties. The symptoms can worsen and lead to organ failure in children and seniors as well. Curing yourself of coronavirus is not as simple as taking antibiotics as it is a viral infection, the same goes for antiviral drugs that have been developed as it does not specifically target this strain.
The best way to recover from coronavirus depends on a person’s immunity. Many mild cases involve self-quarantine (isolation) and rest and recovery. Use CareClinic as a coronavirus symptom tracker to monitor changes to your health if needed.
When to seek Medical attention, do you need a coronavirus symptom tracker?
If you have visited any of the affected regions of the world where transmission is possible, seek medical help immediately or call for an ambulance so as to not put others at risk. Staying indoors and avoiding contact with others will greatly reduce risk of spreading the disease to others around you. The safety precautions are the same as you would take if you had the flu.
Protecting yourself from Coronavirus Covid-19
Here are the steps you should engage in if you want to protect yourself from coronavirus and practise good health hygiene generally. Seek medical help immediately if you have a high temperature, runny nose, cough, sore throat or have trouble breathing. Remember the virus can spread from human-to-human contact and reports indicate it can also spread through pets.
- Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water including the back of your hands and nails
- When coughing cover your mouth and nose by sneezing into your elbow rather than your hands or in the air
- Wear a face mask, although this won’t protect you completely, it can help protect you if someone elses coughs or sneezes around you that is infected
- Do not overuse hand sanitizer as this can lower the pH levels in your hands and make your skin more permeable to disease, only use when needed, such as before eating something
- Seek help if you suspect you have coronavirus over the internet through telemedicine or over the phone. This is applicable especially if you have visited China, Iran, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong or Italy recently.
- Keep track of your symptoms using the CareClinic app to see if symptoms are improving or worsening over time or use the app to monitor the health of your loved ones remotely through the Care Team functionality
- Do not touch your face if your hands are dirty as this can contaminate you
Is this worse than SARS or influenza?
Current studies and experts from the CDC in the United States are not 100% sure as to how dangerous it is. What we do know is that the mortality rate for coronavirus is higher than that of regular flu, which is around 1%. Whileas, SARS had a death rate of 10% globally. Outbreaks like this are rare, but have the potential to spread quickly especially because we are not sure as to how contagious the virus actually is and because there is no vaccine.
We must keep in mind that this is not the worst outbreak the world has ever seen. Many other epidemics have infected a far greater amount of people, such as the Spanish Flu. There is also discussion regarding warmer weather leading to the infection rate petering off, but this is undetermined. There has also been the case of Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (Mers) which is also caused by animals. Mers although is not as contagious but has a much higher mortality rate of 35%.
Travel Advice relating to nCoV
If you are planning to travel, it is best to check the WHO travel advice list for COVID-19. There are over 25 countries with reported cases and the number is increasing. Many large scale gatherings and conferences have already been cancelled. Hotel and airlines are allowing passengers to also cancel their reservations and bookings without charge to reduce transmission. If you are travelling to Asia (Eastern Asia specifically) consider postponing your travel plans to limit exposure.
Should you be worried about Coronavirus?
No. Remember to practice good health hygiene and remember to keep your immunity up by sleeping on time, engaging in physical exercise, not smoking and eating nutritious food. The World Health Organization (WHO) has claimed that the virus is not a pandemic. But still stating that it is of international concern, so remaining vigilant is key. This is why CareClinic can help you track and manage all aspects of your health as a proactive or preventative tool. It is not just a coronavirus symptom tracker but an app that help you manage your health & wellness at all times. You may download it for free for Android or iOS (iPhone).
If you suspect you or a loved one is infected, seek medical help immediately and keep yourself quarantine. Be sure to keep a log of all symptoms experienced to show your doctor immediately. To learn more about coronavirus we recommend you visit the world health organization website by clicking here.