Many of us can appreciate the quick breathers that we take after work to enjoy a few drinks with friends. While the importance of drinking responsibly is something many are aware of, it can be challenging to ensure that we continuously monitor our personal alcohol consumption. An alcohol app is a useful tool to help ensure responsible drinking.
Increased alcohol intake and alcoholism can have a negative impact on our overall health. Moreover, it can affect professional or academic performance, and increase the risk of accidents or injuries. Amid the constant hustles of daily life, modern technology becomes a key tool in helping us learn more about our alcohol intake habits. This knowledge empowers each of us to make informed decisions about our own drinking habits. Users are then able to lead healthier lifestyles.
Smartphone alcohol app for tracking your drinking habits
Use smartphone apps like CareClinic to track your daily alcohol consumption and identify any issues. CareClinic’s ability to serve as an alcohol consumption app makes keeping yourself accountable a simple click away every day.
You can use the application to record your daily intake of alcohol and set a limit. The app will remind users to not exceed this limit. You can also measure your alcohol consumption and compare it to current drinking guidelines established by health organizations.
You can also record calories from alcohol consumption. This information is especially useful for healthcare providers. All alcohol is metabolized by the liver. It is transformed into a form of sugar that can lead to fatty liver disease. Many alcoholic beverages are rich in empty calories, increasing the risk of liver disease, obesity and other chronic conditions. (R)
After taking a moment to record your intake each time you consume alcohol, this alcohol tracker app allows you to view your alcohol consumption over time. The calendar view allows you to identify the days on which you have consumed more alcohol than usual. This feature allows users to easily identify potential triggers for drinking. Such triggers may include social gathering, peer pressure, work deadlines, stress and other life events.
Recognize your drinking patterns
Along with viewing intake levels in the calendar, you may also choose to keep a journal. You can record details regarding your alcohol intake. Journal entries may include emotions that you experienced and issues or events that might have led to your drinking episode.
CareClinic also allows you to record the type of alcohol you prefer and other drinking pattern specifics. For instance, many individuals drink heavily when stressed or dealing with a tough situation. Depression and anxiety are also associated with alcoholism. Individuals who require support during the recovery process often utilize therapy. (R) Some individuals may also find it useful to keep records of their hangovers. Keeping track of hangovers can be indicative of how often one turns to drinking and one’s emotional responses to drinking episodes.
The best quit drinking app
Using CareClinic as a quit drinking app opens eyes to the dangers of drinking alcohol in excessive quantities. Gain insights on exactly what, how much, when and where you are consuming alcohol. Users are given invaluable knowledge regarding their personal alcohol usage. This is important for gaining the necessary motivation to change unhealthy drinking habits.
You can use the application to set up safety limits or personal drinking goals. You can share your goals with your healthcare provider. For example, you might want to limit yourself to a certain number of wine glasses per week. As time passes, you can refer to the application to see if you have managed to stay within the limits set. The app also allows you to set up reminders, so you can be frequently notified of the limits you have set.
Alcohol app especially useful for those battling alcoholism
Alcoholism is a disorder in which physical and psychological problems arise from drinking alcohol. The CareClinic health app becomes a useful tool to support one’s journey towards sobriety. Users are then able to lead a healthier lifestyle.
You can add your recovery program to the application and ensure that you stick to it. Users may enter the last time that they consumed alcohol, allowing them to keep track of how long they have been sober. Moreover, recovery milestones can be added to celebrate each achievement and foster motivation to stick to one’s recovery plan.
The built-in journal is a particularly useful feature. Individuals can use it to clearly outline any reasons and personal triggers for alcohol abuse. Recording any physical and emotional manifestations can assist in overcoming cravings for alcohol. When expressing feelings, individuals who deal with alcoholism often realize that it is possible to break free from drinking habits. This allows individuals to feel like they can regain control of their health. CareClinic assists in identifying the factors and negative habits that cause individuals to reach for that drink.
CareClinic assists with recovery from alcoholism
As part of the recovery process, you can also record the solutions that you have tried out. For instance, many find hypnotherapy useful. Relaxation therapy, visualization and positive reinforcement are also effective. Organizing a list of potential solutions and your reactions to them can become very useful for tracking purposes and in case of a relapse.
CareClinic supports one to take action and improve psychological well-being. The app helps users to keep track of their emotions. Mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy have helped many people struggling with alcoholism to obtain positive and sustainable results.
In therapy, patients learn how to react to difficult situations using effective coping strategies. Therapists help patients identify the reasons for which they are drinking. They also assist in building the necessary resilience for similar situations in the future. CareClinic assists in this work by providing a platform on which clients can clearly write out their thoughts. The app allows users to track concrete numbers relating to their alcohol intake over time and monitor their response to various recovery measures.
Identifying triggers and associated emotions with an alcohol app
Many individuals turn to alcohol when their life does not go as planned. Divorce, death, financial difficulties, dysfunctional living and not being able to have children are several contributors that can lead to alcohol abuse. CareClinic can assist in identifying these life events and the emotional strains associated with them.
By tracking feelings and events in the diary, there is an increased awareness of self-destructive patterns. Users also have an improved ability to identify feelings associated with anxiety and depression.
Issues associated with alcohol abuse
Over 85% of adults in the US have had at least one drink in their life. The standard recommendation for moderate alcohol consumption is one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. In moderate amounts, alcohol can actually have a beneficial effect. Alcohol in moderate amounts can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Alcohol abuse and binge drinking are associated with chronic health issues, such as liver cancer. Heavy alcohol use is associated with higher incidences of car accidents, violence and falls. People who abuse alcohol present higher risks for contracting STDs, suffering from cognitive impairment and addiction. The risk of unintended pregnancies also becomes considerably higher with increased alcohol use.
Approximately 88,000 people die each year from a cause related to alcohol consumption. Alcohol has been named the fourth most preventable cause of death in the United States. (R)
How much is safe to drink?
As mentioned above, women are advised to consume no more than one alcoholic beverage per day. Men should not have more than two drinks per day. Binge drinking is particularly damaging. This is because one consumes a high quantity of alcohol within a short period of time. It is vital to continue to consume water or eat to allow the alcohol to be absorbed by your body. You may use CareClinic to help you track water intake as well.
Who should avoid drinking?
Pregnant women should never consume alcohol. Alcohol abuse has been associated with a higher risk of prematurity, birth defects and fetal alcohol syndrome. Studies have also found that alcohol abuse may be a risk factor for breast cancer in women.
People who suffer from chronic health conditions, such as diabetes or cirrhosis, should not consume alcohol. Alcohol abuse can contribute to the further deterioration of one’s health. Such abuse can even lead to life-threatening complications. Those who have a history of alcohol or drug abuse should also avoid alcohol intake.
Individuals who take certain prescription drugs should not consume alcohol. This is due to the potential side-effects that can occur. Those who have a low-level tolerance should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. When food is not present in the stomach, the body absorbs alcohol at a faster rate. This results in higher alcohol blood levels. The effects associated with alcohol such as aggression, drowsiness, heartburn and dehydration are thus exacerbated.
Drinking recommendations for alcoholics
Individuals with a family history of alcoholism should avoid drinking alcohol altogether. Many alcoholics start out as social drinkers, only to end up in the same place as their family members.
A recovering alcoholic might try to convince others that it is alright for him/her to drink in moderation. However, as alcohol is addictive, one will feel the imperative need to consume more. Therefore, alcoholics who are working towards recovery should not engage in social drinking. (R)
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
People who struggle with alcoholism can go to AA meetings. They can meet other men and women who have or have had similar experiences with drinking. The association proposes a 12-step program, which includes a group of principles that will support one’s recovery from alcoholism.
At the meetings, individuals have the opportunity to meet members who have stayed sober for many years. Heavy drinkers can learn about ways to change their drinking habits. The goal of AA is to change one’s drinking habits and the way one perceives alcohol.
Regular meeting attendance ensures the best chances of recovery. This is due to the constant contact with other AA members who provide support for one another. It is most effective for members to attend meetings with a sponsor. A sponsor is someone who supports the individual throughout their journey to recovery. (R) A sponsor is usually an experienced alcoholic who has been sober for a long time.
Managing Alcohol Addiction
If you are battling alcoholism, the following are suggestions for managing and overcoming your addiction:
- Cognitive behavioural therapy – developing coping strategies for difficult life moments, addressing issues such as anxiety and depression
- Other forms of psychotherapy to address underlying psychological issues for alcohol abuse & develop relapse prevention skills
- Attending AA meetings & working with a sponsor (experienced fellow alcoholic)
- Identifying the factors contributing to alcohol abuse and working towards solving them in order to prevent relapse
- Taking part in group therapy (group counselling)
- Opting for a program specialized in recovery from alcohol dependence
- Medication to alter brain chemistry (only at the recommendation of a specialized physician). (R)
CareClinic used as a Free Alcohol Tracker App
CareClinic is a free health app, which can be downloaded on Android and iOS (iPhones). It can draw information from other applications such as Apple Health and vice versa. The app serves as an easy-to-use alcohol consumption app. Users are able to track their alcohol intake and calories consumed. This allows individuals to identify patterns in their drinking and set limits on their alcohol consumption.
The app provides beneficial information for those experiencing issues with drinking alcohol. It is a useful quit drinking app that empowers users to take charge of their own health on a daily basis. Install the app by clicking the banner below.