CareClinic’s goal is to help people make the right health decisions at the right time.
This is a monumental goal for a health company, we do this by offering multiple ways one can track, manage, and optimize their outcomes. Some of the ways we are doing this include:
- Providing reminders at the right time for any modality, whether it is pills, physical activity, fitness.
- Along the lines of a reminder, we allow users to track whether the modality was “taken”, snoozed, or skipped.
- This objective data is part of the Logs, Reports, Correlations we provide so users can understand their health and make the adjustments needed. We add an element of Machine learning and AI to understand the patient so they are more likely to consume their medications or physical activities the next time around if it was missed.
- We make sure that the user is making the right decisions by letting them know right from the home screen if they have already taken a drug earlier or not so it is not repeated causing issues.
- Providing a health diary for patients to journal their health in words to keep track of subjective data
- We utilize advanced ways of measuring adherence, 99% of other medication management apps can NOT differentiate between taking a 500mg twice vs a 1g pill and will mark your adherence as 0% if it was recorded as such. We understand that that is not the case.
- We put our focus on those that need it the most, this includes those suffering from pain, a chronic illness or those that need help tracking multiple medications.
This is why it should come as no surprise when we announce that CareClinic is engaging in something much bigger now that we have had our apps tested by over 20,000 patients. We have also along the way picked up seed funding and deployed our apps across the web, Android and iOS with integrations across many services.
Aging 2.0
We are now putting our focus on Aging 2.0’s grand challenges, which is a global initiative to drive collaboration around the bigger challenges and opportunities in aging.
Each initiative contains many factors and models that need to be accounted for.
If we take for example Care Coordination as a challenge, there isn’t one simple idea that belongs in this category, but many, such as:
- 24-7 Monitoring
- Virtual Support
- Care Transitions
- Medicine Reconciliation
- Dashboards
- Sensors
- Reminders
- Telehealth
- Family Interactions
Many of these have multiple organizations or stake holders that also need to be coordinated with. This is what makes health complicated and is one of the reason we are choosing to become a member of Aging2.0 as they provide a framework and a network of health organizations that can work together more meaningfully.
We believe it has long been overdue for a new era of age-related innovation to take place and CareClinic happens to be in the forefront of it. We are seeing this revolution is consumers opting to buy their prescription medication online and having it delivered within hours, that too for a more economical rate. This helps everyone involved in caring for seniors, from children that may have had to buy the medication, to parents who no longer need to wait or go in themselves and payers.
Health Moonshots
Our primary goal has always been to help those that need help with self-care, and this was focused on anyone typically from the ages of 25+. However we see a massive surge in users that are above the ages of 50+ and thus it makes sense for us to focus on helping those that require and want our services the most. We want to also focus on some of the major goals set out by Startup + Health such as:
- Access to Care > Healthcare should not be only fo those near cities
- Cost to Zero > Reduce overall healthcare costs
- Cure Disease > Advancing machine learning for better drug discovery
- End Cancer > Improving R&D
- Women’s Health > Being born a women should not a health risk factor
- Children’s Health > Quality access to care for children
- Nutrition & Fitness > Access to better food and water
- Brain Health > Manage & Potentially improve cognition
- Mental Health & Happiness > Connect mind, body and spirit to improve wellbeing
- Addiction > Help end addiction and the opiod epidemic
- Longevity > Add 50 healthy years to every human’s life
Why Now
The reason now is the perfect time to work as a Innovation@50 company is simple. There are now over 115 million people over 50+ in the US alone and this translates into business and investment opportunity.
AARP has driven deal flow and demonstrated the critical mass of innovative, investment-worthy startups in this space. There are many companies making this a realty such as:
- ActiveOver50 – AO50
- Exponential Medicine
- Health2Con
- BoomerSummit
- The Longevity Network
- Rock Health &
- TedMed
What’s Next for Health Innovation
With smarter and low cost sensors through wearables, we are able to quantify more of a person’s health than we ever thought possible even a decade ago. CareClinic is at the forefront in leveraging health information and using it to provide the best actionable insights to the patient safely and securely. Many in the wellness space have already embraced this change (albeit a younger audience) under the category of “quantified self”.
We are also looking for additional strategic partners for mentoring, funding, and operations. If you would like to get in touch please visit the Contact Us section. Additionally if you are over 50, we are going to be constantly pushing new builds of CareClinic to the Aging2.0 Research Panel first so you can provide us feedback and let us know how you really feel.
About AARP’s Innovation@50+
The AARP Innovation@50+ initiative aims to spark entrepreneurial activity across public and private sectors. Anchored by the AARP social mission – to enhance the quality of life for all as we age – the initiative enlists the expertise of visionary thinkers, entrepreneurs, the investment community, industry and not-for-profits to spur innovation to meet the needs and wants of people over 50.
About Aging2.0
Aging2.0’s mission is to accelerate innovation to improve the quality of life of older adults around the world. Over the past 4 years, Aging2.0 has hosted more than 300 events around the world, cultivating a robust ecosystem of entrepreneurs, technologists, designers, investors, senior care providers and seniors themselves.