Best Medication Reminder App: Reliable, Private, and Secure

Why you need a medication reminder App

Why you need a medication reminder AppDid you know that over 187 million US citizens take at least one prescription drug? Were you aware that medication is taken incorrectly 50% of the time? Even worse, many prescriptions are not taken at all! The result? There are over 125,000 American deaths in the US as a result of missed medications. With the use of a medication reminder app such as CareClinic, these issues can be prevented.

CareClinic is a user-friendly app that has been consistently ranked as the best medication reminder platform by pharmacists. It has also been clinically studied especially for improving outcomes for cancer patients.

Complex medical regimens for health conditions such as cancer often involve many different types of medications that must be taken at very specific times. Cancer patients who used CareClinic had a 31% decrease in self-reported medication errors and a 28% increase in quality of life.

However, CareClinic is also used for mental health, lady pill reminders, and for managing medications for chronic conditions such as Heart disease, Diabetes, Asthma, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, High Blood Pressure, Stroke and even Alzheimer’s.

How to set reminders using the CareClinic App?

There are several ways to get reminders for your medications. You can set them up to come as a push notification on your phone, as an email, or even on your wearable such as a watch. You can also choose how often you would like to be reminded. The app will keep track of when you took your medication and will send you a reminder at the appropriate, taking into account timezones and if the dose was taken recently. It is also easy to review your medication history to see patterns of when you are most likely to forget.

What if I have more than one medication?

Not a problem! The app can handle multiple medications and will remind you accordingly. You can also set different reminders for each medication if you need to. For example, you may want to take one medication with food and another without, so you can set different reminders for each. Manage multiple medications without headaches on Android or iOS.

Types of Medication Schedules CareClinic can handle

  • Complex multiple daily medication schedules
  • Intermittent or PRN (as needed) medications
  • Once-daily or single-dose medications
  • Supplements
  • Vitamins
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) medications

CareClinic allows you to track an unlimited number of medications for yourself or for a loved one. You can also set up multiple reminders per day for each medication. For instance, you could set a reminder for 9am, 1pm, and 5pm for a medication that needs to be taken three times per day. You can also customize the medication reminder alarm sound, and set up a “pill box” feature that allows you to virtually check off medications as they are taken.

Types of Medications that you can manage

  1. Pills
  2. Tablets
  3. Capsules
  4. Injections
  5. IV Medications
  6. Sublingual Films
  7. Nasal Sprays
  8. Eye Drops
  9. Ointments
  10. Suppositories

You may also change the color, shape, and doses for each including tapered dosing.

When should you start using reminder apps?

The answer is…it depends. If you are currently managing a complex medication schedule without any errors, then you might not need a reminder app. However, if you are human like the rest of us, then chances are you could benefit from using a reminder app. In addition, if you are starting a new medication or taking a medication for the first time, it is always a good idea to set up a reminder to help you remember to take it.

There are many different reminder apps on the market, so how do you know which one to choose? Here are some factors to consider:

1. Ease of use: The app should be easy to set up and use.
2. Reminder features: The app should allow you to set multiple reminders per day and customize the alarm sound.
3. Compatibility: The app should be compatible with your smartphone (iPhone or Android).
4. Free vs. paid: There are both free and paid reminder apps on the market. The free versions typically have ads and limited features, while the paid versions do not have ads and often have more features.
5. Reviews: Always check the reviews before downloading any app to your smartphone.

If you are looking for a medication reminder app, CareClinic is a great option. It is easy to use, has all of the features mentioned above, and is compatible with both iPhone and Android smartphones. It is a free app to try, and you can get it by clicking here.

Is there a supplement or drug interaction checker?

Drug interaction functionality does exist within CareClinic, however, if you are taking multiple medications or supplements, it is always a good idea to check with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure there are no interactions as CareClinic’s database is only for the US and may not contain your specific medications. CareClinic also has a supplement to supplement effects and interactions built in to see how they affect your health. It is a complete

Not just a personalized medication management platform

Aside from being able to manage your pills, you can track your overall health and wellness as well including symptoms and nutrition.

There is more to maintaining optimal health than adhering to pills. There may be therapies, there may even be certain dietary restrictions you may need to follow. Our reminder app makes it easy to set up all aspects of your treatment in care plans.

What is the best medicine reminder app?

CareClinic. Our goal is to help you make the right health decisions at the right time. We leverage AI technologies to ensure you remain safe and take your medication on time.

The web platform has all the functionality of the mobile reminder app. Read the 20 benefits that make us the best choice for managing your medication and supplements below. Additionally, you can skip the list and simply install the app by clicking here.

What is the best medicine reminder app

20+ Ways to Use CareClinic for other than Medicine Reminders

  1. Available for Free – We continue to be free to use forever. All basic features to set up, record, and track medicaments remain free.
  2. Multiple Platforms – Use CareClinic on your mobile phone as an app for iOS or Android. Our app also works in your browsers such as Chrome or Safari.
  3. Consistently Updated – Use an up-to-date app with a complete database of medicine, interactions & synergies. This makes our app perfect for patients or seniors that have chronic conditions, to those that simply require birth control reminders.
  4. Medicine Database – Our medication database is comprehensive and we allow you to add any medication that may be missing. This ensures accuracy and speeds up adding new medication or supplements needed by the elderly.
  5. Multiple Types of Pill Reminder Alarms – You may add reminders every week (certain days of the week), daily basis (certain hours of the day, or every x hours) for your medication. Additionally, if you know the names of all your medications and what to take, you may just need a reminder to adhere to your entire plan, you may set up “CarePlan Reminders”. Think of it like a digital medical alarm clock for your health, that works better than spreadsheets or Google Calendar.
  6. Health Calendar – Have the ability to see what you have missed and what you have taken. The calendar provides further filters to be able to quickly find just the information you are looking for. If needed, you may also print your medical adherence calendar for your doctor or yourself.
  7. Refill Reminders – Have the ability to get reminded every X amount of days to get your medication refilled. Get alerted after your “dose on hand” is coming close to running out. Keep in mind our reminders can be sent via email, or as mobile alerts with texting capability coming soon. Certain pharmacies are integrated with our app, so you can order your refills directly from the app.
  8. Medication Library – Learn more about certain supplements or medications with our Medication Library feature. We are partnered with medical publications to provide you with an up-to-date medication list.
  9. Visual Clues for Medicaments & Modalities – If your care plan requires the management of many medications, you can adjust the form (tablet, capsule, pills, ointments, etc.) and color of your medication so you know precisely which medication you need to take. Think of it as a digital version of a pill organizer.
  10. Timezone Management – Adjust your timezone, so you can continuously get reminders at the right time when traveling.
  11. Logs & Reports – Have access to an array of reports which show your progress over time based on your health journal and adherence. View Charts, Logs & Correlations to see what is working and what isn’t and adjust accordingly!
  12. Exporting Capability – We do not lock your data on our platform. You have the ability to export your data and or print reports for your care provider as needed.
  13. Add your Care Team – This is a great way for others to remind you to take your medicine. You may add Care Contacts to your care team which lets them monitor your progress. This feature enables them to get reminders of your missed dosage so they may follow up with you or just keep track of your health. This functionality is great for doctors, nurses, and even families.
  14. Manage Multiple Care Plans – Manage multiple health goals, such as fitness tracking chronic conditions or symptoms. Set up multiple care plans. Use each plan as a separate list for your medications for various treatments or health goals.
  15. We Speak Your Language – Our web-based app is available in multiple languages and our iPad app is to follow suit.
  16. Save Health Notes – You have the ability to record notes directly on your health calendar, which can be used for reference down the line, especially for appointments. You can also use the health diary as part of your check-ins to store additional notes related to your health.
  17. Record additional Therapies, Physical Activities, and Nutrition – Save them in your care plan and quickly mark them as completed as needed from the Check-in screen.
  18. Record Your Symptoms – You can record detailed information about your symptoms and other important biometrics such as weight and sleep. Which makes it great for you to discover triggers and find correlations in the reports section.
  19. AI By Your Side – Our AI bot automatically helps you determine most interactions between drug to drugs, drug to supplements, and even supplements to supplements. We go further by enabling you to see the potential effects of your supplements and provide alerts if your dosage seems to be above or below average. Our AI also helps spring up interesting insights based on your check-ins and integration data from wearables when possible.
  20. Record the Effects of Interventions – Sometimes a drug may not have worked out for you. If this is the case, you can record the side effects, purpose, and the date you last took the drug. Use this for reference purposes in the future.
  21. Additional trackers: Track your bowel movements, with the Stool Tracker or manage your sleep with the built-in Sleep Tracker within sleep sounds!

What others are using it for:

You can use CareClinic for any type of health condition or symptom, not just to remember to take your pills. You can use the app to schedule and keep track of:

  1. Appointments with your doctors
  2. Test results
  3. Tracking biometrics like blood pressure, temperature, weight, etc
  4. Journaling how you are feeling
  5. Set goals and reminders for taking care of yourself.
  6. Quit smoking
  7. Drink more water
  8. Exercise more
  9. Refill reminders
  10. much more!

Build healthy habits, remain accountable and take control of your health with CareClinic.


Can I share my health information with my family or doctor?

Yes! You can share your treatment progress with as many people as you like. To do this, simply go to the “Care Team” module and tap on “Invite Caregiver”. You will then be able to enter their email addresses and they will receive an invitation to join your CareClinic account. Once they accept the invitation, they will have view access to all relevant health data such as your medication schedules in your care plan along with your charts.

Do I need to be online to use CareClinic?

No, you do not need to be online to use CareClinic. However, if you want to share your CareClinic account with family or friends or to back up your data, you will need to be connected to the internet.

What happens if I lose my phone?

If you lose your phone, you can still access your CareClinic account by logging in to the website. Once you log in, you will be able to see all of your data just as you would on the app. You can also download the app to another phone and log in with your existing account.

Can it handle lady pill reminders or birth control reminders?

Yes, CareClinic can handle reminders for any type of medication, including birth control pills. Simply add your birth control pills to your care plan and set up reminders for when you need to take them. You can also track your periods with Factors and other important health data in the app.

What if I miss my medication reminders?

You can also manually log that you have taken your medication in the “Check-in” module. Simply tap on the pill icon and select the medications you have taken from the list. You can also add notes about how you are feeling or any other important information. You can also snooze medication reminders for a later time if you are not able to take your medication right away.

How do refill reminders work?

CareClinic will keep track of when you need to refill your medications and send you reminders accordingly. Simply “enter doses on hand” when adding your RX to the Care Plan and each time you make a check-in the correct dose will be subtracted. You can view your inventory at any time directly in the Care Plan.

What happens if I lose my phone?

If you lose your phone, you can still access your CareClinic account by logging in to the website. Once you log in, you will be able to see all of your data just as you would on the app. You can also download the app to another phone and log in with your existing account.

Is CareClinic HIPAA compliant?

Many reminder apps are still not HIPAA compliant which can be a risk to your privacy. CareClinic is fully HIPAA compliant, which means your health information is securely stored and protected.

Comprehensive Medication Reminder App Just For You

Comprehensive Medication Reminder App Just For YouMedication non-adherence is a serious problem that affects half the population. CareClinic is not just the best Android and iPhone pill reminder app used to keep track of your medications but a lot more. Patients use the platform to track their symptoms, conditions, and analyze their health over an extended period to manage their treatment plan with their doctor.

The app is also great for keeping track of your family’s health and for those who are taking care of an elderly parent or grandparent. CareClinic makes it easy to track and manage complex medication schedules, doctors’ appointments, and lab results. CareClinic is the only platform you need to manage your entire medical regimen in one super-app. With integrations to Apple Watch, Apple Health, and Google Fit, you can bring in all health data and find correlations and triggers easily as well.

If you would like to learn how to track your symptoms using CareClinic, the free version of the medication reminder app is available by clicking here. Our apps are also available in the Google Play store or the App Store for iPhones and iPads.