Using a Depression Tracker Diary To Manage Depression
Depression is one of the most common mental health problems in the world, affecting millions of people. In fact, 1 in 5 people are diagnosed with depression each year, with women being more commonly affected than men. Either as a result of a genetic predisposition, external life factors or both, one begins to experience feelings of sadness and lose interest in everyday activities. When these changes begin to impact the daily functioning, it is possible that one might suffer from depression. Using a depression tracker diary is the first step in determining causes, results and a possible way to manage it.
CareClinic can be useful in managing and treating depressive disorders. It ensures the effective management of the treatment plan, helping one fight and overcome depression. Such an application can help one stay on the right track, dealing with the manifestations of depression and sorting through the different treatment options (medication, therapy, mindfulness techniques, etc.).
Successfully Managing Depression Requires Journaling
The best depression apps out there, allow you to record your daily feelings, check progress and allow you to share your journey with a professional.
CareClinic is a multifaceted app designed to help anyone going through depression. This is enabled through a care plan which helps you stick to the treatment in the early stages but it can be a great motivation tool as you start to see your progress in the reports tab.
Managing your medication or supplements (if you are taking any) can help manage depression and recover fast from a depressive episode, this is why you can add Medication along with other modalities you are engaging in to combat your depression.
The Diary within the “check-in” screen to be used as depression log.
This can help you understand potential triggers, as well as get a better grasp of the most suitable coping strategies that are working for you.
You can record your thoughts on any cognitive behavioral sessions, as well as about current medication – such as antidepressants – and support received (from family, friends or professionals).
For those who are following a medication plan for depression, the application is more than useful. It acts as a highly-effective medication reminder, providing information on when and how to take the actual treatment (based on the instructions from your physician).
Positive Reminders
You can select the desired alarm tone and even use the “vibrate” or “silent” options. Interestingly enough, the application will continue to remind you about the medication, at least until you click on the confirm button. Each of the drugs you are taking can be added easily. You can scan the barcode on the package, search the drug in the app database or enter it manually.
Once you have added all of the necessary information, you can check out the different features available as part of the application. For example, you can take advantage of the Symptoms section to track your symptoms and moods to be used as a depression symptom tracker.
It is a valuable tool, as it can help you identify negative and positive changes in your behavior.
Moreover, by using this tracker, you will be able to register and analyze your treatment progress. You can show this information to your physician, who can make further adjustments to your plan.
It is useful to know that the diary can be used to set daily exercise goals, which are great for improving your mental health and keeping depression at a safe distance.
Comprehensive health reports are available to view after each check-in post. Which provides you with an overview of your progress. You can share this report with your physician as well, as it contains valuable information about your symptoms and treatment (personalized therapeutic solutions to meet your specific needs).
Thanks to the mood tracking offered through CareClinic, you can also identify if you present only depressive episodes or manic ones as well.
For an added level of privacy, you can set up a passcode and make sure that no one else can access the application on your phone.
It is also important to be aware of the fact that the application will be constantly updated, in accordance with the user feedback. The main idea is to improve the application so that your every need is met. In the end, you will have an application that is easy to use, regardless of your age, occupation or background.
Depression, a condition that can be treated with success
Depression is a common mood disorder, which can have a negative influence on your behavior and overall quality of life (affecting both thoughts and feelings). It is also known as the major depressive disorder or clinical disorder is based on feelings of sadness and anhedonia.
Many people who suffer from depression feel as if they lost all hope. They also have low self-esteem and consider they cannot be helped. Each person will experience depression in a different manner and the duration of each episode might vary (from weeks to months, and sometimes even years). One might also perceive regular activities to be too difficult to complete, isolating himself/herself.
What are the symptoms you might experience?
Depression is a condition characterized by a low mood and a persistent feeling of intense sadness. One can also experience feelings of guilt, losing interest in otherwise pleasurable activities.
Suicidal and self-harm thoughts can be present, as well as an irritable/intolerant attitude. Anxiety completes the clinical picture, with one being generally indecisive or worried about minor facts.
Apart from the above-mentioned psychological manifestations, one can also experience physical symptoms.
Depressive persons can gain or lose weight, in accordance to the changes in their appetite. They adopt a sedentary lifestyle and even their speech can be affected. One can suffer from insomnia or, on the contrary, sleep more than usual.
Psychosomatic symptoms can be present, leading to unexplained complaints. The menstrual cycle can be affected, as well as the intestinal transit (constipation is often seen in such cases). Due to the depression, one can feel like he/she has no energy for sexual intercourse. Often times, there is also a lack of interest in such activities.
From a social point of view, depressive persons suffer from impaired work performance. They also have the tendency to avoid social activities, isolating themselves from friends and family members; moreover, they will refrain from previously liked activities or hobbies. Almost all those suffering from depression struggle with their personal and professional lives.
Are there different types of depression?
Those who present only depressive episodes suffer from unipolar depression. Bipolar depression is when there are also manic episodes, where the mood is elevated.
Persistent depression is the one spreading over the course of several years, with a minimum period of two years. The major depressive disorder can be accompanied by psychosis, with delusions and hallucinations being among the associated manifestations. One can also suffer from postpartum depression, as well as from one seasonal depression (winter-related). All types of depression may be monitored and treatments managed when using CareClinic as a depression tracker tool.
How is the depressive disorder diagnosed?
The depression diagnosis is made in accordance with specific clinical criteria. A depressive episode is one that lasts for at least two weeks, affecting the quality of daily living.
Upon making the diagnosis, the physician must take into account and rule out underlying causes. Depressive-like states can be caused by medication, drugs and medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders.
In case you exhibit any of the above-specified symptoms, you should talk to your general physician. The doctor can recommend a psychological evaluation or guide you towards a psychiatrist. Depression is also diagnosed with the help of rating scales, which can offer information on the severity of current manifestations/episodes.
What are the causes and risk factors associated with depression?
There is no single cause behind the appearance of depression. However, there are several factors that can lead to depressive episodes. First, there is a genetic predisposition, which can increase the risk of developing depression by 50%.
One can also experience changes in the levels of brain neurotransmitters, leading to mood disorders. Environmental, psychological and social factors are to blame as well. Head injuries, alcohol and drug consumption, as well as childhood trauma, can cause depressive episodes.
Stressful life events, such as divorce, the death of a close family member or financial problems, can increase the risk for depression. The same goes for extreme poverty, abuse or trauma. Those who suffer from low self-esteem or present a low resilience to stress are more likely to become depressed.
How can depression be treated?
The first thing to remember is that depression is a condition that can be successfully treated. Common treatment solutions include medication and psychotherapy. In some cases, brain stimulation techniques, such as electroconvulsive treatments, might be used.
Antidepressants are recommended to those suffering from moderate to severe depression, the most often prescribed is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Cognitive-behavioral therapy is an alternative to the medication, teaching one to modify his/her mindset and eliminate negative thoughts. Psychotherapy is suited to those who have mild depression; in case of more several manifestations, cognitive behavioral therapy might be combined with medication (antidepressants).
Physical exercise can improve mood and, thus, the additional manifestations of depression. One is recommended to set goals and celebrate each milestone, as well as engage in social activities and spend more times with friends, and family members. Talking about your feelings and educating yourself on depression can also help. CareClinic enables you to add Caregivers that can be notified when you are feeling depressed by regularly using the app as a Depression Tracker as you would normally for yourself.
Fight Depression with the CareClinic Depress Tracker App
The CareClinic depression tracking app can offer valuable support in managing depression. It can serve as a diary in which you will log the different symptoms experienced, as well as a medication reminder. It will ensure that you adhere to your current treatment plan, but also be useful for making any necessary adjustments. You can track your progress and feel more in control as your condition is concerned.
To get started tracking your mood to find correlations, triggers, and just logging your health, click here.